PNM’s plan to rush the closure of San Juan Generating Station is going to cost us in San Juan County dearly. Closure will cause extreme job loss, higher property taxes and higher electric rates.

After pushing to implement this poorly analyzed plan, PNM then has the nerve to ask the legislature for a financial bailout of the plan it created.

Under PNM’s plan, our region will lose fifteen hundred high-paying power plant, coal mine, and supporting business jobs. Closure will severely impact our families from all walks of life, particularly those living on the Navajo Nation.

The loss of property taxes will hurt our public-school students especially those in the Central Consolidated School District.

And the plan will force the Farmington Electric Utility System to procure expensive replacement power likely leading to higher electric rates.

Our San Juan legislative delegation is fighting hard for us. Tell the governor and other state legislators not to allow PNM to close San Juan Generating Station early. We need more time.

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